WOKE Health

YMCA Accepts Woke People Abusing Girls In Locker Room, Report

Link: naked while in the presence of young girls, in the women’s locker room of a YMCA in Ohio

Woke people love sick *ucks like this person here … the more a woke person disregards sickness, the more sick they themselves become.

This person was indecent in a girls locker room 3 times. Think about that. Wouldn’t ‘once’ be enough? Not for the YMCA. It turns out the YMCA could care less! They say, “Show your penis to underage girls, if it makes you feel better. We won’t ask questions.”

Long ago I said if gender is “fluid”, who is to say I wasn’t a different person at the time I was committing a crime. Certainly seems plausible that a man could go in small girls public bathrooms, expose themselves, claim to be ‘fluid’, get their rocks off, and then ‘switch back’, “you can’t do anything to me, I’m a woman now”.

It’s sick. Acceptance like this from the YMCA is just as sick.

And unacceptable in decent society.

Vontae Mack

Vontae Mack

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