Link: House GOP targets military ‘wokeness’ It’s about time, long past time, someone somewhere looked into our military and when ‘ready-ness’ went from going to war and fighting on the...
Link: President Joe Biden had Sarah Bloom Raskin, one of his nominees to the Fed’s Board of Governors, withdrew after failing to gain enough support. This lady would have brought...
Link: These woke extremists seek to reshape Canada in their own image. Vikings are “bad” because they were mean and brutal? How about just shutting up and teaching history, and...
Link: ‘I hope this entire debacle reminds the Biden Administration that prioritizing wokeness over competence will inevitably lead to embarrassment and failure,’ the Georgia Republican told Biden’s Presidency has...
Link: The Department of Defense (DOD) is asking thousands of active-duty service members and civilian DOD workers if they have enough information on climate change to do their jobs effectively...